Reflections Reiki
Cape Town

~Your Path to Healing


Welcome to Reflections Reiki, your sanctuary for holistic healing in Blouberg, Cape Town. At Reflections Reiki, we offer Intuitive Reiki, a gentle yet powerful practice rooted in Japanese tradition.

Reiki is not just about relaxation—it's a profound method for reducing stress, enhancing well-being, and promoting healing. Through this ancient practice, our practitioners gently place their hands on or near your body, channeling universal 'life force energy.'

The core belief is simple yet profound: this vital energy is the essence of our well-being. When our life force flows freely, we experience vitality, happiness, and resilience. Conversely, when it's blocked or depleted, we may face challenges with our health and peace of mind.

Join us on a journey to discover the transformative power of Reiki. Whether you seek relief from stress, support in healing, or simply wish to nurture your inner balance, Reflections Reiki is here for you.

Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy".  Reiki is "spiritually guided life force energy."

What are the Origins of Reiki?  Ancient Wisdom in Modern Healing


Reiki, a renowned holistic healing practice, has captivated the world with its profound impact on well-being and vitality. Often associated with relaxation and stress reduction, Reiki harnesses the universal life force energy to facilitate healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. The origins of Reiki are deeply rooted in ancient Eastern philosophies and teachings, making it a fascinating journey through time and culture.

The Rediscovery of Reiki

The history of Reiki begins with Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk born in 1865. Driven by a quest for spiritual understanding and the desire to unlock the secrets of healing, Usui embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage. Legend has it that during his journey to Mount Kurama in 1922, Usui experienced an extraordinary spiritual awakening after a 21-day meditation retreat.

The Enlightenment on Mount Kurama

While meditating, Usui was struck by a powerful spiritual energy, which brought clarity to his mind and the ability to access healing energy. This marked the beginning of the Usui Reiki Ryoho, the system of healing and spiritual development now known as Reiki. The term "Reiki" was coined by Usui, combining "Rei" (meaning "universal" or "spiritual") and "Ki" (meaning "life force energy").

The Integration of Ancient Knowledge

The origins of Reiki draw upon several ancient teachings and concepts. Usui was a well-read and well-travelled man, and his spiritual quest exposed him to various healing and philosophical traditions. Among his influences were Chinese Taoism, Buddhist practices, Shintoism, and esoteric teachings prevalent in Japan during his time.

The Five Reiki Principles

At the core of Reiki lies a set of principles or affirmations that Usui developed to guide practitioners towards a balanced and compassionate life. These principles, known as the Five Reiki Principles or Five Reiki Precepts, emphasise self-improvement and mindfulness:

  1. Just for today, I will not be angry.
  2. Just for today, I will not worry.
  3. Just for today, I will be grateful.
  4. Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
  5. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
  6. The Spread of Reiki

After Usui's profound spiritual experience, he dedicated his life to healing and teaching Reiki. He founded a clinic in Tokyo where he treated patients and trained others in the art of Reiki healing. One of his students, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, played a pivotal role in the systematisation and further development of Reiki techniques.

Hawayo Takata - Bringing Reiki to the West

In the 1930s, Reiki found its way to the West through the efforts of Hawayo Takata, a Japanese American woman who received Reiki training from Dr. Hayashi in Japan. Takata later introduced Reiki to Hawaii and eventually to the United States. Through her teachings and tireless efforts, Reiki gained popularity in the West, leading to the establishment of Reiki as a recognised alternative healing modality.


The origins of Reiki weave a captivating tapestry of spiritual awakening, ancient wisdom, and a desire for healing and well-being. Rooted in the teachings of Mikao Usui and nurtured by subsequent practitioners, Reiki has evolved into a global phenomenon that continues to touch countless lives. Its journey from the sacred mountains of Japan to the hearts and minds of people worldwide is a testament to the enduring power of universal life force energy and the timeless pursuit of holistic healing. As Reiki continues to grow and flourish, it remains a testament to the interconnectedness of all beings and the potential for transformation and harmony within each of us.

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